Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our apartment!

It has been way way way too long since we last posted on here and we are sorry for that. Our USB ports weren't recognizing any of our external devices, so we hadn't been able to upload any pictures from our digital camera after our first trip to Busan. Three weekends have come and gone since our last update and I'm afraid a fourth will pass before we can really get this thing fully up to date. Here are some pictures we took of our apartment to tie you over until we can get the others on here:

The entrance. All Korean households and a few businesses and restaurants have a place for you to take off your shoes before entering.

The apartment is basically just one big room with a bathroom attached to it, but we like to think we have several areas that could be considered rooms. This is our "bedroom."

Our "living room"

Our "dining room"

A bookcase in between the entrance corridor and the kitchen

Our refrigerator, dressers and a second bookcase.

The kitchen; no Korean kitchen is complete without a washer (but no dryer!). Those of you with sharp eyes might notice the coolest pig ever hanging from the cupboard. His name is Pigbbong.

Half of the bathroom - it looks pretty standard so far...

And then there's the shower head attached to the sink with no shower stall. The water runs into a drain directly below the sink, which is nice for looks but it's a real pain when it needs to be unclogged.

It's not much but we call it home :D Here is another ridiculous ESL video for your viewing pleasure

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