here's a fun, exciting, riveting explanation of our classes (as promised):
so basically there are two kindergarten programs in maple college (the private school where we teach): first, there's the regular kindergarten. it's taught almost completely in korean and by korean teachers but for 30 minutes every day, one of the english teachers comes in and sings a few songs, teaches a little vocab, and teaches the little kids the basics of english (brian teaches several of these classes...but i don't have one. bwahaha). there are several kindergarten classes which are split up by age; the smallest kids are about 2 years old (wayyy too young to be in school at all, in my opinion) and the oldest are 6.
then there's the maple kindergarten program. parents spend a lot more money to get their kids into this program because these kids get almost an hour and a half a day with english teachers. there are 2 classes of 5 year olds and 3 classes of 6 year olds. i teach three of these classes ( both 5 year old classes and one 6 year old class) for 40 minutes every day, while brian teaches one class of 6 year olds every day as well. each maple kindergarten class also has one science, one cooking, and one art class over a span of two weeks, which we teach as well. i think i speak for both of us when i say we both have a newfound respect for kindergarten teachers in the states...those kids can wear you out!
the kindergarten schedule starts at 10 am and goes to 3:20 pm. starting at 3:30 we have the maple elementary program, which is full of kids who have already attended their respective elementary schools during the day and get to spend another couple hours at our school. lucky! these kids range in age from 7-12 and are divided into classes depending on their age / english level. these classes tend to be a lot smaller than the kindergarten classes, which is a relief, but they are also a lot more drama-filled. i have a class full of 8 year old girls who get into fights almost every day (a couple times they tried to punch each other...i had to break them up). it's ridiculous!
aside from the elementary program, i also started teaching writing to a 16 year old boy who is moving to LA in august as an exchange student. his speaking is ok but his writing is terrrrible...i have to get his writing good enough for american high schools in just under 2 months. augh! no pressure there. it's a nice change of pace to have an older student after hours of pipsqueaks during the day, though, so i'm not complaining.
work hours: brian and i usually get to work around 9 or 9:30 and leave at either 5:30 or 6:30 depending on the day.
if any of that didn't make sense, i'm sorry. it's late and i'm tired, so i'm going to leave you with some pictures of our cute-but-crazy kids. enjoy!
tony, the boy on the left laying on the table has professed his love for me several times this year! he won't even acknowledge brian's presence :)
From left to right: Ray, Eric, Max, Donna, Pablo, Alex, Jade, Kate, and Kelly. Not pictured: Ellen(Brian's favorite)
also pictured: selina and lucy from one of brian's classes