Sunday, March 1, 2009

a day of firsts

so today was my first day off, and thus katie's first day of work without me. it was a little sad... i felt like i was sending my child off to her first day of school. i walked her there, of course. at the door she began to cry, but i gave her a pack of colored pencils to calm her down. after a short visit with our director (to inform her that our heating unit works, but now sounds like a tea kettle... don't ask), i went back home to eat lunch and prepare katie's lunch. most of you know katie, but for those who don't, desserts are kindve a big deal, so a cookie AND a ghirardelli chocolate square were placed on top of her pb&j and her apple. i was a bit more adventurous and ate some sushi (i said a bit more, haha). it was bland, but nothing some soy sauce couldn't fix. as an aside, i do have my hot sauce with me and it has come in handy several times already. it goes well with eggs in the morning, spaghetti at night, and almost every korean dish, although i haven't taken it into a restaurant yet because i'm not sure it would be ok to do so here.

after i ate i took katie's lunch to her. now, if i sound like i'm whipped/ a suck-up, it's most likely because i know that sue (katie's mom) will be reading this at some point. her dad would not approve, but sometimes you can't please everyone... doug. :P

until i get my bike, i'm not sure what i'll be doing with myself for the next couple of days. reading is a viable option, i've already finished Brian's Winter by Gary Paulsen (the protagonist's name had nothing to do with it!). i have the complete LOTR trilogy with me... that would definitely take a lot of time, except i really want to read The Hobbit again before i delve into the trilogy.

i haven't had much of an opportunity to write on here, it's kinda cool. i can talk about whatever i want, cuz i'm the captain of this boat... or as katie would say, "i'm in charge. he's in charge when i'm not around!" on a more serious note, i've always wanted a really big glass container to put change in cuz it looks cool and i like collecting coins. so i washed out a bottle of spaghetti sauce and we've been putting our change in it everyday. i'll have katie take a picture of it and post it in the next batch of pictures when she gets the chance. i found a really big glass bottle at the live fish market here in tongyeong, so i might buy that towards the end of the trip and try to transport it home somehow.

well, it's about time for me to pick up katie from the school. today we have to go to lotte mart and get passport pictures taken for our work visas/health check-up (or something like that... i have never once been completely confident that i understand what's going on from the time we applied to when we got here to now when we're still getting things worked out after having been here for 10ish days... they never fully explain things to you and then act surprised when you ask questions. i think it's part of their culture to just do as you're told and never question authority.)


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